Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Christmas Day

We spent Christmas Day with my side of the family at my sister's house. My sister's kids are the same age as mine so we have lots of excitement when we all get together (5 kids ages 5 and under on Christmas). It may be more like insanity than excitement, but it is fun for all of us!

E, N, and D at our house Christmas morning!

My dad laughing at one of his "Bill" gifts.

My aunt holding D. He had a stomach virus and was not quite himself for his 1st Christmas. I didn't think he was contagious since neither of my other kids, Brian, or I had gotten it. Apparently he was since most of our extended family came down with it within a few days after Christmas! Sorry guys!

E and her cousins being so patient while we were opening presents!

Christmas dinner for the kids was Fruity Cheerios! The rest of us had leftovers from the food everyone brought for lunch, but kids will be kids and they have their own ideas about what food is good:)

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